Sunday 30 March 2008


"Mum, what do you think will happen if I take one of my old Prozac pills?"

"Um I don't think you should do that. Why do you want to do that? Do you need to take them?"
"Do you think anything will happen? No, right?"
"Kara what's wrong?"
"Um, just the mere dilemma of whether to mess around with a pill or not. I'm fine, geez."
"Well, I say no."
"Anyway, honey, I was looking up some information on chicken pox for your brother and there was a link for depression so I checked that out as well. They say people who are depressed should stay clear of alcohol, coffee, uhh tea, um, um, even soft drinks and.."
"What are you doing? I'm happy. I'm fine. Have you taken the time yet to compare and contrast the present me with the past me? I'm fine."
"Well, if you're sure...So what are you up to?"
"Watching Prozac Nation. It's about to start back. See ya!"
"Oh Lord..."

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