Saturday 22 March 2008


Hey guys,
I just spent a really long day with my mom. It was so fun. And she likes Sonic Youth's 'Superstar' cover so we're practically best friends now. Anyways I can tell you all about it later with pictures but right now GOD LOVES ME! He loves me so much that when he heard me moaning about the London Philharmonic Orchestra Concert today featuring renowned violinist Nikolaj Znaider being sold out, he made these two women friends of my mom's get food poisoning so they had to give up their tickets. Luckily my mom is uber nice and perfect and shits ice cream so they called her up first! AND THEY'RE V.I.FUCKING.P! WOHOOO!!!! It's at the fantastic Emirates Palace (Palace featured in the movie The Kingdom. More later, I gotta go. Show starts in 40 minutes.

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