Saturday 2 February 2008


1. HAPPY Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transexual month! Here's a pic of two of my lovely hunnies for ya! (warning to homophobes) 2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!!! My uber eclectic hunny and wayfarers companion. Hope you have a great day 3.I finally bought the complete series of My So Called Life! Majorly anxious to watch it later. 4. Got my Starbucks fix because I thought I deserved a reward for staying on the treadmill for an hour today. Did 6.57 miles. YAY!

5. I'm okay with not attending Cave Man/Cave Woman BOP party on campus because I am going to Liquid with my girlie!

6. I found a Banksy-esque attempt on a wall on campus today. Check it out!
7. I created an awesome outfit today while being hyper and jumping up and down to Jacques LuCont's "What You Waitin' For?" remix.

8. I'm in love with the eco-friendly re-usable box of Andrex moistened tissue!9.After all the years of watching it on VHS and muttering the entire script to my friend's annoyance, I finally got 10 Things I Hate About You on DVD; in homage to Heath Ledger.

10. I also bought IT by Stephen King on DVD, after a painful choosing battle between that and Labyrinth. It's my first childhood horror experience.

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