Saturday 9 February 2008


I mentioned a while back that I applied for a job at a yoga centre. Well I went over there today for a quick chat with the manager and was told I would be starting working on Tuesdays and Fridays. I originally applied for receptionist work and was told I was going to be a helping hand. But it didn't exactly come to me in those words. She said "Okay Kara, so usually receptionists are helping hand first then they move up once they get a feel of the place and what bikram yoga is all about. So, what you're basically going to be doing is spraying the mats before and after classes with lavender and rose water, because they tend to get really sweaty, and then you sit in on the actual classes, so you're going to need to bring your yoga gear."

I can't say I wasn't thrilled but 'SAY WHAT?' This isn't sitting behind a desk on Facebook and taking calls. I'm glad I took it up though. I get a chance to learn this beneficially amazing artform(never done bikram, but I practise Hatha) for free! The place is well set up and although very steamy, as it should be, it is such a relaxed atmosphere, and I only made it to the lobby. The benefits are great, a ten day pass as of now just for showing up, anyone who shows up I think, and well, once I get started I am pretty much getting paid to detox, strengthen and flexify myself! And I can still go for free whenever I'm not working. This centre is really great. Check it our here. It's based in Fulham but there's another one opening in Balham soon.

I made sure before I got to the interview I did a little research on Bikram yoga. So, in case you were interested in getting started:

Bikram yoga is a popular type of yoga that was created by Bikram Choudhury. The Bikram yoga practice consists of a sequence of 26 postures, which are each held for approximately 20 to 30 seconds. The room temperature in which Bikram yoga is practiced should be approximately 105°F and 60% humidity. The heated room is beneficial for warming up the muscles to allow a deeper stretch and to detoxify the body. I got this from my Teach Yourself Visually Yoga book, which is the way I learnt yoga. Yes, if you don't want to go sweating it out with a bunch of half naked strangers, you can do it in the privacy of your own own.

Did I mention my depression and how well it had lifted my mood and my thinking? I am telling you, yoga is the real deal. And with results in body and mind in a mere three weeks? Can't go wrong people. Become a friend of Bikram Yoga; or yoga period! I'll keep you all posted on how my work there progresses.

On a sidenote, those Teach Yourself Visually books aren't half bad. They're so many of them on the most unlikely DIY things. You may not even have to get a degree anymore: Digital Photography, Adobe Photoshop 7, Drawing, Handspinning, Poker(!), Wireless Networking, Jewelry Making and Beading, Golf, MacBook, Calculus, Chess, Weight training, Dog Training(!!!). Yeah, a sign for me to stop.
The picture isn't to scare you away. Trust me, you'll be able to do this in like a week of practising.

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